Saturday, March 18, 2006

What is WITH some people?

Update April 1, 2006: If you got here via a Google search and you're looking for your Astrology Zone forecast for April 2006, go here.

Honestly. What is with some people?

I had an email today from an alert reader who noted that an article from my website has been lifted verbatim and posted at Susan Miller's Astrology Zone message board without attribution.

Otherwise known as plagiarism. Theft. Which is pretty fucking annoying. I might be inclined to give the benefit of the doubt (maybe they just... forgot?), but from what I gather, this particular poster has had a long and infamous history of doing this kind of thing without getting kicked off the board. Kinda makes you wonder. So I posted a stern message on the board and shot off an email to La Miller, which I expect will go absolutely nowhere.

Grrr! I guess as eclipse aspects to my 10th house Mars go (what with the potential for bloody public attacks, a la Caesar in the Senate), this ain't so bad.

Here's a rather more amusing 10th house story. As longtime readers know, I've had a problem with people capriciously revising the spelling of my name. Yesterday I got the most hilarious interpretation of my moniker yet, courtesy of the American Federation of Astrologers. They sent a very kind invitation to their upcoming conference to April WILLIOTT Kent. Well, at least they got that extra "t" in there, I'll give them that!